(LP) Angel Olsen - Forever Means (EP) (baby pink vinyl)

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Release Date: 041423
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April 14 street date. Last year's "Big Time" brought Angel Olsen to a deeper, truer sense of self than ever before.

Borne from the twin stars of grief and love, the album delivered beautiful sense of certainty, the sure-footed sound of an artist fully, finally at home with herself. But within that wisdom comes the realization that there is no finish line, no destination or static end point to life while you're living it, and "Forever Means" collects songs from the "Big Time" sessions that hold this common theme. They are, in Olsen's words, "in search of something else. What are the things I'm seeking in friendship or love, and how can "forever" be attainable if we're always changing?'" Sitting with the reality of that entropy, Olsen realized "maybe the secret to ongoing love is to embrace change as part of love itself, that forever must have something to do with playing, looking, constantly searching things out for yourself, never letting yourself think you’re finished learning or exploring". All this packs into the four precious songs that comprise "Forever Means", songs from Olsen's roads traveled and the ones ahead.


1. Nothing's Free
2. Forever Means
3. Time Bandits
4. Holding on
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