(CD) Leif Vollebekk - Revelation

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Release Date: 092724
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September 27th, 2024

Standard CD

Born in Ottawa in 1985, Leif Vollebekk, taught himself music using instruments inherited from his grandfather: harmonica, guitar, piano, an old fiddle. Back with his 4th studio album, Revelation, will combine narrative lyrics and many one-take lead vocal performances with cinematic arrangements, gorgeous sonics, well-placed space and lush orchestration. Vollebekk’s Revelation songwriting process was inspired by an exploration that began with Carl Jung’s I Ching and continued into the science of alchemy and the mystery of the divine. The final result is at once organic, earthy and celestial, with themes of nature -- water, astral constellations, mortality – woven into a meditation on living in an ever-changing present laced with existential doubt, the search for a higher power.



1. Rock and Roll
2. Southern Star
3. Peace of Mind
4. Surfer's Journal
5. Moondog
6. False-Hearted Lover
7. Elijah Rose
8. Mississippi
9. Till I See You Again
10. Sunset Boulevard Expedition
11. Angel Child
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